Tuesday, September 11, 2007

weekends always leave me incredibly tired -.- bloody ns. anyway, sent wanlin off on sat morning. ALOOOT of ppl sent her off :p went with reuben & anwar. hilarious idiots. hahaha.

anyway, sat was a good but tiring day (: i met my 3 rocks. ahahaha. the 3 boys that keeps my world spinning as it is, in their own (very very different ways). they couldn't be more different actually. but they are e best (:

shopping with anwar in e morning. our parking coupon incident was damn funny. the two of us running towards e car park :p then giggling nonstop. hahaha. full of shit. but i bought a lovely white pea coat (: that he too agreed was loveeee. i must say my 3 rocks all have wonderful fabulous fashion sense (y) mucho good shopping partners. i like!

haha, just that too much shopping with yipeng leaves me very poor. i still rmb how we used to pon sch in e first 3 months in rj to shop. smirks. met him for evan almighty. first time we ever watched movie, and one of e few times alcohol was not involved at all. grins. then went to haji lane (with horrible street directions from him -glares-). but it was really nice to shop there cos its e first time i've been there & all e shops are open.

then had class dinner, which was vegetarian indian food. two things that i don't normally eat. so this girl sat there eating naan. the waitress kept asking me if i wanted something more -.- haha. it was nicee to see suefaye, junwee, ivan, baldwin, xinling & all of them together after so long (:

met justin afterwards, went down to central & had yummy yummy tonkatsu :D haha. drank perfume-ish jap alcohol. which was honestly quite gross & spent e whole time trying to take arty farty photos :p hehee. wanted to watch a soccer match together, but i was so tired that i went home to crash. my eyes were closing as we walked. was out from like 9am to 11pm. 14 hours. woosh.

sending wanlin off at e airport (:




2so3s (:

anyway, i've been doing quite a bit of baking e past few days. made a bacon & egg pie e other day. was lazy :p so i used a filo pastry. hehh. but it was yummmmmyy :D my daddy's been eating for e past few days. i must say my family's really supportive of my cooking & baking. esp my daddy. heh. my mum's a critic. bah. made a batch of burnt butter & brown sugar cuppies that day too. made 1 batch, but it was so popular and disappeared so fast that i had to rebake another 2 batches! hehee (: excuse my gloating. but I LOVE MY BURNT BUTTER & BROWN SUGAR CUPPIES :D they're love i tell you. or according to someone, as good as sex. smirks. why thank you. hehehe.

you have no idea how happy it makes me to see my products turning out so well (: baking & cooking just makes me bubble with joy. haha.

but it doesn't mean i'm going to be everyone's cook in uk ah -.-

a slice of bacon & egg pie (:

rest of e pie. heh.

burnt butter brown sugar cuppies (try saying that 10times fast :p)

closeup :D

& with icing. also burnt butter icing. yummmmmyyyyy :D

: beautiful girl :: sean kingston :


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